Accelerating Cloud Business Value Realization (Part 2)

Continuing from Part 1, we delve deeper into how organizations can accelerate the realization of business value from cloud adoption.


written by our Head of Cloud Advisory Maximillian Jahn

Maximillian Jahn

Stage 1: IT Infrastructure Transition


The First Stage of Value in Public Cloud Adoption: Transitioning to Cloud-Based Infrastructure

The initial phase of value creation in public cloud adoption is transitioning from traditional on-premises data centers to cloud-based infrastructure. This shift to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) empowers organizations to harness scalable and flexible computing resources offered by cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

This transition enables businesses to:

  • Reduce capital expenditures on hardware and maintenance
  • Enhance scalability and elasticity of resources
  • Improve business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities
  • Streamline IT operations through automation and standardization
  • Store, process, and analyze large data volumes, facilitating data-driven decision-making
  • Leverage advanced security measures and centralized compliance management tools provided by cloud vendors

The transition of IT infrastructure to the cloud is primarily about doing similar IT tasks more efficiently and cost-effectively, particularly in a typical brownfield scenario. By consolidating and leveraging resources deployed in data centers operated by cloud service providers, organizations can achieve improved efficiencies. However, if transitioning from an already efficient data center, significant savings on infrastructure costs may not be realized.

While this stage might be essential for some organizations to achieve an initial lift-off, in most greenfield settings, this phase may not be necessary. The primary value often lies in positioning IT infrastructure in a transfer orbit, facilitating easier reach to the target orbit. This stage acts as a booster rocket, propelling the organization to a higher operational level.

Key points in this stage include:

  • Lift and shift cloud migrations: Focusing on IaaS and some PaaS components.
  • Hybrid cloud approaches: Avoiding the adaptation of legacy workloads.
  • Automation and third-party services: Streamlining the transition from on-premises to cloud without modifying applications and software components.

This stage is relatively straightforward to achieve and can often be automated or handled by third-party IT service providers and consultants.

Stage 2: IT Transformation


The Second Stage of Cloud Adoption: Embracing Cloud-Native Technologies

The second stage of value generation in public cloud adoption involves embracing cloud-native technologies and more advanced cloud services. This includes Platform as a Service (PaaS), Function as a Service (FaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). These services allow organizations to optimize their IT operations and accelerate application development and deployment.

Key benefits of this stage include:

  • Enhanced IT operations: Leveraging PaaS, FaaS, and SaaS to streamline processes and reduce overhead.
  • Faster application development and deployment: Utilizing cloud-native services to accelerate time-to-market.
  • Greater innovation: Enabling the use of advanced tools and frameworks that drive innovation.

Sticking to the analogy of a spaceship, this stage represents the engines that further accelerate the vessel into space. It propels the organization to new heights, enabling them to achieve greater efficiencies and unlock new capabilities through advanced cloud technologies.

Let your virtual machines and monolithic applications burn up and evolve into scalable solutions that offer true pay-per-use models, such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) or serverless infrastructure.

Benefits of this transformation include:

  • Accelerated time-to-market for new applications and services
  • Enhanced agility and flexibility in application development
  • Reduced operational overhead and complexity
  • Streamlined software updates and maintenance
  • Access to a broad ecosystem of third-party tools and services
  • Seamless integration of emerging technologies like AI, ML, IoT, and blockchain

Adopting cloud-native IT requires organizations to upskill their workforce and foster a culture of continuous learning, ensuring employees are well-equipped to utilize these new technologies.

Modernizing software architecture can involve adopting cloud-native design principles, such as microservices, APIs, event-driven architectures, and containerization. These approaches enable organizations to develop and deploy applications that are highly scalable, resilient, and easy to maintain, leveraging the full potential of cloud-native platforms (PaaS, FaaS, and SaaS).

Implementing Stage 2—IT transformation to cloud-native IT—using on-premises or private cloud infrastructure is feasible, but public cloud services offer advantages in scalability, flexibility, cost efficiency, speed of innovation, reliability, and security. Public cloud providers continuously invest in and develop new features, services, and capabilities, enabling organizations to harness the latest technologies and innovate rapidly. By leveraging public cloud capabilities and the innovation provided by cloud providers, organizations can efficiently modernize their IT infrastructure and software architecture, ultimately delivering greater business value.

While this stage could theoretically be reached solely with third-party services, for subsequent stages, focus on keeping the majority of crucial activities in-house. The foundations for the transformation of the organization as a whole are laid here, making this a core responsibility of the organization’s leaders.

„IT transformation really is all about getting rid of legacy thinking in IT and adopting cloud native approaches to infrastructure.“

Maximillian Jahn

Stage 3: Value Delivery Transformation


Unlocking the Next Level: Transforming Ways of Working and Thinking

Technology alone can only take you so far. The next level of benefits is unlocked by transforming the way you work and think, focusing on value delivery. The third stage emphasizes implementing agile and lean practices, such as DevOps, modern team topologies, and value stream management. These practices optimize development and operational processes and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Adopting these practices enables businesses to:

  • Align IT efforts with overall business goals and objectives
  • Accelerate software delivery and improve application quality
  • Enhance collaboration between business, development, and operations teams
  • Optimize resource utilization and reduce waste
  • Continuously improve processes through feedback loops
  • Encourage cross-functional collaboration, experimentation, and knowledge sharing, both internally and with external partners
  • Develop a collaborative and agile workforce that is better prepared to adapt to new technologies and processes

Additionally, the value delivery transformation should integrate citizen development, low-code, and no-code platforms. This empowers non-technical users to create applications and automate processes, democratizing innovation and fostering a more inclusive and agile environment.

Key goals of this stage include:

  • Creating a collaborative and adaptive culture: Supporting continuous improvement, experimentation, and rapid feedback loops.
  • Mastering public cloud technologies and agile practices: Leveraging diverse skill sets to drive innovation, agility, and business success.

Advantages of leveraging public cloud services in this stage:

  1. Flexibility and scalability: Supporting rapid delivery of new features and functionality, allowing development teams to iterate quickly, experiment with new ideas, and respond promptly to changing market conditions or customer feedback.
  2. Efficiency and automation: Public cloud providers offer a range of tools and services that facilitate lean practices, such as DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), and Infrastructure as Code (IaC). IaC promotes collaboration, version control, and automation, streamlining development processes and improving consistency across environments.

By integrating these practices with public cloud services, organizations can increase the speed and quality of their software delivery, resulting in faster time-to-market and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Responsibility and Leadership:

Due to the tight connection between business evolution and technology support, this stage is a core responsibility of organizational leaders. While third-party consulting can be beneficial initially, it is ultimately the organization's responsibility to understand how all the pieces fit together to drive their business forward.

Stage 4: Business Transformation


The Fourth and Final Layer of Value: Broad Business Transformation

The fourth and final layer of value generated by public cloud adoption is the broader business transformation. This stage involves leveraging digital technologies, fostering a culture of innovation, and, in some industries, embracing servitization to create new business models and revenue streams.

Through this transformation, organizations can:

  • Offer new, innovative products and services to customers
  • Improve customer experience through personalized and data-driven interactions
  • Increase operational efficiency through process automation and data analytics
  • Create additional revenue streams by offering value-added services
  • Enhance organizational agility and adaptability to changing market conditions
  • Leverage advanced analytics and data processing capabilities provided by the cloud to optimize processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation
  • Adopt new technologies, such as AI, ML, and IoT, which are easily accessible and integrated within a public cloud-based infrastructure
  • Prioritize security and compliance: Cloud-based services offer a robust foundation for maintaining strong security measures and meeting compliance requirements
  • Benefit from strategic partnerships and collaborations, allowing access to new markets, accelerated innovation, and leveraging shared resources and expertise

Scalable digital business models are crucial for organizations aiming to thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape. Public cloud services and cloud-native technologies provide the technical foundations that enable the seamless implementation of these digital business models, while lean and agile processes ensure their development and sustainable management. Together, these elements empower organizations to adapt quickly, innovate, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Advantages of Public Cloud Services in This Stage:

  • Unmatched scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency: Allowing businesses to allocate resources according to their current needs and adjust as demands change.
  • Cloud-native technologies: Facilitating the development of modern, resilient, and highly available applications, ensuring that organizations can deliver exceptional customer experiences and capitalize on new opportunities in the market.
  • Lean and agile practices: Bridging the gap between IT infrastructure and the processes that support digital business models. Integrating concepts from the Lean Startup methodology and a culture of experimentation further enhances the potential for innovation and growth.
  • Public cloud services and cloud-native technologies provide the flexibility and scalability required for rapid experimentation. Organizations can easily spin up new environments, test different configurations, and explore innovative ideas without significant upfront costs or long-term infrastructure commitments.
  • Rapid iteration on digital offerings, incorporating customer feedback and data-driven insights to refine and improve products and services. Lean and agile processes, when combined with Lean Startup principles and a culture of experimentation, provide the necessary framework for optimizing operations, identifying areas for improvement, and responding rapidly to market changes.
  • Game-changing technologies, such as quantum computing and pre-trained AI models like GPT-4, enhance the potential of digital business models. These emerging technologies can solve complex problems, generate valuable insights, and unlock new business opportunities.
  • Incorporating advanced technologies into digital business models allows organizations to strengthen their competitive position and drive significant value and impact in their industries.


The combination of public cloud services, cloud-native technologies, lean and agile processes, and emerging technologies like quantum computing and AI models provides a robust foundation for scalable digital business models. By harnessing these elements, organizations can develop and manage innovative solutions that drive growth, improve customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in the digital era.

As organizations leverage these four rocket stages for value generation from public cloud adoption, they continue to unlock new opportunities and competitive advantages. The journey to full digital transformation involves not just the adoption of new technologies, but also significant shifts in mindset, culture, and processes.


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