A Journey to Cloud Business Value (Part 1)

What will you learn?

The pace of digital change realm is relentless, demanding businesses to adapt and remain competitive and inventive. Public cloud technology is a big part of this change, offering many benefits beyond just saving money and making operations smoother. This blog post looks at how companies evolve as they embrace this technology, starting with updating their IT systems, then changing how they work, and finally transforming their entire business. At each step, they discover new ways to grow and become more digitally advanced. In the digital world, organizations can unlock the full potential of cloud technology by understanding and navigating through these layers. This approach revolutionizes their business models, fosters innovation, and ultimately secures long-term success.

Propelling Business Value: The Cloud Transformation Rocket

In the quest for digital transformation, organizations can liken their journey to launching a powerful rocket with each stage getting closer to their ultimate goal. We can see the four layers of value generated from adopting public cloud as distinct stages of this rocket, each providing the necessary thrust to move to the next level of digital maturity.

Continuing with the rocket stages analogy for public cloud adoption, let’s delve deeper into the roles and characteristics of each stage, comparing them to specific components of a spacecraft. This fresh perspective underscores the significance of each stage and how they collaborate to propel an organization towards digital maturity.

In the pursuit of digital transformation, organizations may embark on their journey differently, depending on their current IT setup and needs. While the four-stage rocket analogy offers a broad perspective on the path to public cloud transformation, it's essential to recognize that not every organization will necessitate every stage.

Stage 1: IT Infrastructure Transition

In this optional initial stage, transitioning from on-premises IT infrastructure to equivalent cloud environments ("datacenter in the cloud") serves as a booster rocket, propelling companies forward. This transition helps them break free from the limitations of their current systems and sets the stage for future transformation. Once this stage is complete, the organization can focus on the subsequent phases of enterprise transformation.

This stage is particularly relevant for enterprises with a brownfield scenario, heavily dependent on legacy IT infrastructure. By moving from on-premises to cloud (IaaS) environments, these enterprises can consolidate their IT infrastructure and reduce operational costs before advancing to the next stages. However, enterprises that have already adopted modern infrastructure or are starting fresh can bypass this phase and proceed directly to the next stage.

Stage 2: IT Transformation

In the second stage, the spacecraft’s rocket engines are powered by the shift towards cloud-native technologies. These advanced solutions—such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Containerization, Function as a Service (FaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS)—provide the critical thrust needed for the next phases. By embracing these cloud-native technologies, organizations build a more agile, scalable, and flexible IT infrastructure, positioning themselves for greater success in the digital age.

Stage 3: Value Delivery Transformation

In the third stage, the focus shifts to value delivery transformation, which optimizes workflows and enhances business agility through lean and agile practices. This stage functions as the life support system of the spacecraft, enabling the organization to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with ease and resilience. By adopting methodologies such as DevOps, SRE (Site Reliability Engineering), value stream management, and agile practices, organizations can streamline their processes, deliver greater value to customers, and maintain an efficient digital backbone for their operations.

In the context of a space journey, this stage provides the essential resources and environment for the crew to adapt and thrive in the vast expanse of space. Similarly, value delivery transformation equips organizations with the tools and processes necessary to respond to market changes, seize new opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge in the digital era.

Stage 4: Business Transformation

The final stage represents the pinnacle of the journey, where the organization achieves comprehensive business transformation through digitalization, innovation, or servitization. This stage functions as the spacecraft’s navigation and control system, steering the organization through the complexities of the digital landscape and ensuring alignment with strategic goals. Here, the organization leverages capabilities developed in previous stages, combining them with advanced analytics, cutting-edge technologies, and strategic partnerships to create new revenue streams, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and secure long-term success in the digital era.

By navigating the digital landscape with precision and foresight, organizations can chart a clear path to their objectives. In the space journey analogy, this stage helps the spacecraft maintain its trajectory and adapt to environmental changes, ensuring a successful mission. Similarly, organizations that effectively integrate the advancements from Stages 2, 3, and 4 will be better positioned to thrive in the ever-evolving digital world and achieve lasting success.

The Flight Plan


Organizations must understand their public cloud transformation as a progressive, multi-stage ascent to digital maturity. Each stage serves a vital function in powering and guiding the organization toward its ultimate goal.

A successful cloud adoption journey hinges on a comprehensive understanding of the stages and the synergies between them. Developing a well-rounded strategy, including a robust roadmap, requires organizations to look beyond mere IT infrastructure and IT transformation. Focusing solely on the technological aspects can severely limit the potential for unlocking the true business value that cloud adoption has to offer.

To maximize the benefits of the cloud journey, organizations must consider the bigger picture and recognize the importance of all levels contributing to business outcomes. By aligning IT transformation (Stage 2) with value delivery transformation (Stage 3) and business transformation (Stage 4), organizations can create an environment that fosters innovation, agility, and growth. This holistic approach allows them to fully leverage the capabilities of cloud-native technologies and agile practices, ensuring that their cloud journey results in tangible, positive impacts on their business.

As a final thought, always remember that the cloud adoption journey is an ongoing process of learning, adapting, and optimizing. By understanding the interconnected nature of the core stages and continually evaluating and adjusting their strategies, organizations can ensure that their cloud journey remains aligned with their evolving business needs and objectives. This strategic approach will empower them to harness the full potential of the cloud and drive long-term business success.


Stay tuned for Part 2!