Cloud BlogCloud Know-how. Für Sie zusammengetragen. Unsere Cloud- und IT-Experten tragen hier wertvolles Know-how und Wissenswertes über Cloud, Cloud Lösungen, Cloud Migration, Compliance, Hyperscaler; u.v.m. für Sie zusammen. Filter tags - Alle -Application assessmentArtificial intelligenceAuditing and ComplianceAWS ConfigCloud Business ValueCloud Business Value RealizationCloud Compute Lock-InCloud InventoriesCloud ManagementCloud MigrationCloud SecurityCloud ServicesCloudfinanceCloudJourneyCloudMaturityComplianceCost ManagementDisaster recoveryFinOpsGitopsHigh availability of servicesIaCKubernetes on HyperVMonitoringPacker configurationProactive ComplianceSCPsTaggingtamecostsTeam SetupWell-Architected Review Webinar DORA & NIS2 Security Requirements Part IIICompliance Webinar DORA & NIS2 Security Requirements - Part IICompliance Webinar DORA & NIS2 Security Requirements - Part ICompliance Webinar DORA & ICT Third-Party Risk ManagementCompliance SCPs / AI AWS – protecting against the unwantedSCPs Compute-intensive and legacy applications require a specific approach before migrating to the cloud. Why is it worth it? Cloud Migration Backing up and disaster recovery to the cloud has a number of advantages.Disaster recovery Cloud, Security, Shared Responsibility and 8 PrinciplesCloud Security Infrastructure as Code: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to AskIaC Cloud finance or how to (un)manage costs in the cloud Cloudfinance Hardening your AWS environment with (not so popular) SCPs part 2SCPs Hardening your AWS environment with (not so popular) SCPs part 1SCPs FINOPS – money firstFinOps Tame costs in the cloud: subscriptions, billing, services tamecosts Application assessment: how to get applications into the cloud? Application assessment High availability of services in the cloud - how to do it?High availability of services Connecting the Stages to Cloud Business Value (Part 3)Cloud Business Value Accelerating Cloud Business Value Realization (Part 2)Cloud Business Value Realization A Journey to Cloud Business Value (Part 1)CloudJourney What continuous cloud compliance tools can I use? Part 2Compliance Cloud Compliance Made Easy: How AWS Private Marketplace Streamlines Your JourneyCompliance Cloud Maturity: How Ready Are You for the Cloud? CloudMaturity What does continuous cloud compliance & cloud security posture management mean? Part 1 Compliance Understanding the AWS Well-Architected Review and Its BenefitsWell-Architected Review Fixing AWS Config cost surprisesAWS Config Enforcing Regional Boundaries for AI services: Using AWS SCPs to Restrict AccessArtificial intelligence Opt-out policyArtificial intelligence Packer KonfigurationPacker configuration Wie man Kubernetes auf HyperV ausführtKubernetes on HyperV Q&A zu ComplianceCompliance Cloud Value by Max Jahn Cloud Management Webinar: GitOps-Verfahren in AWSGitops AWS Kosten und Usage ReporteCost Management Tagging und Kosten ExplorerTagging AWS Cost ManagementCost Management Cloud-InventareCloud Inventories Proaktive Compliance ist eine tägliche AufgabeProactive Compliance Wissen Sie, was auf Ihren Servern derzeit läuft?Auditing and Compliance Team-Setup und Erfahrung für Serverless TeamsTeam Setup Monitoring sind nicht nur DashboardsMonitoring Cloud Compute Lock-In: Wahrheit und FiktionCloud Compute Lock-In Sind Cloud Services wirklich teurer?Cost Management Serverless Teams treiben InnovationenCloud ManagementCloud Services NIS2 und Cybersicherheit Cloud Services